A peek into Jowin's complicated cum easy life....

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Have you ever say the following phrases?

1." I will try my best."
2. "I cannot do it."
3. "It is impossible for me."


1. "I will give my 100%."
2. "I can do it."

Which of the follwing phrases we used more often? A or B

Most of the time, we will say the phrases in A. The phrases in A, if we say more often, we will never succeed in our mission. this is beacuse, when we said those phrases, we already lose half of the battle.

So we must the phrases in B. Only then will we have the confident to complete our task.

So from now on, we must say "I can and will give in 100%." this will made us overcome everything... hee..


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